In my daily read of Style Bubble, I came across her post on KT Jewel. Somewhat unthinkingly I clicked on the link and then absent mindedly perused the images. Then something felt familiar; the style of jewelry, the name and the type KT was in... then some quick reading of the profile and I realised that it was the same woman behind KT Kiosk B, the place where I bought one of my absolute favourite pieces of jewelry, and whose style was highly influential on me even way back then. I kept her old card and I used to love looking through her tiny shop, knowing I was going to buy a piece, just deciding which one it would be. Luckily I did eventually make up my mind because one day I went back and she wasn't there. I asked around the neighboring shops and someone told me she'd gone to London. And looking at her pieces, that are now stocked in shops like Selfridges, I can't be sorry that she left for bigger and better things.

The necklace

KT Jewel (one off piece line here)