so first of all, my blog turned 1 in november! i started it as a visual diary and to track my progress but it's become a nice little ritualistic, motivational thing to do and i've met some lovely people online along the way.
secondly, P R I M O E Z A the label is 6 months old! i have to admit that a lot of the time i am extremely challenged in running my own business. but it is immensely satisfying to be creating a tangible product and to see my skills developing. i really look forward to growing my label in 2010 and have started sampling some garments that i'm really excited about.
thirdly, i have a new logo! i have been tinkering around with it on my blog header but i have finally settled on the design. i have been for quite some time, wondering how to capture the 'old but new' feeling. While in NYC, i roped sam, who is a graphic designer into helping me out and so we have been emailing back and forth since about it. she had a lot of great ideas, but in the end i wanted to keep it simple and personal. the logo you can see is actually ezzie's (my cat's) profile in mirror image. i like it because it really does look like him, but also it looks like a chess piece or an old insignia. the rayman also pointed out that it looks like a garment and sam also thinks it looks like a rorschach blot test.
so! to celebrate all of the above, to thank anyone who reads my blog and being christmas and all that, i am doing a little give away of a bow scarf. there are lots of ways to wear this piece (as pictured) and i'm including a little sample calico bag with my new logo on it. to enter, please just leave a comment (edit: and your email if i can't get in touch with you any other way). i will randomly pick a name on christmas eve and then email the winner for their details.