September 01, 2010

the back story...

... because there's always a story... awhile ago i made mention of a project that i was working on. that project was the shoot for this autumn/winter collection that i've just released. it was a big deal to me at the time because due to a serendipitous chain of events, i suddenly had a project manager, an art director/graphic designer, a professional photographer, two professional models and a make up artist at my 'disposal'. it all came together swiftly and before i knew it there were almost 10 of us on location in the early hours of a sunday morning.

even though i had done a lot of preparation and was there on the shoot, when i received the images i could plainly see that they just weren't 'PRIMOEZA'. i then had quite a stressful time deciding to pull the plug on that project, feeling like i had wasted people's time and then thinking of what i could do within my deadline instead. luckily i have my own photography to fall back on so i quickly rounded up new models, found a location (around the corner from my home) and re-shot the collection in a couple of hours. rachel (my girl model) was such a trouper as well as the day before she had a 24 hour bug and was sick in bed.

i'm posting about this because out of an experience that stressed me out at the time good things have come. recently i have met some wonderful people to collaborate with that i wouldn't have met otherwise, i have great new stockists and below are some more images that i really liked and had trouble editing out.

so i think the stars were lined up, just not in the way i thought :)