I'm not usually in the habit of calling weddings/marriages 'The BIG DAY' but everyone has been calling it that and rather than resist, I kind of figure for the sake of communication, I'll just call it that too. I do have a bizarre reaction to marriages, if you can't already tell. My boyfriend says that before every wedding we've attended I turn into this:

He obviously forgot about that when we decided to get married.
But seriously, if you can imagine that every wedding is prefaced with a twelve headed monster with its head stuck in a closet tossing all the contents out and shrieking it has nothing to wear, and then picking fights all the way there in the car, you've got the picture.
So dressing for my own 'BIG DAY' was unlikely to be a fun filled experience. Even though poufy dresses are one of my favourite genres, I never saw myself as a bride in a white fluffy dress, in fact, it was probably closer to a nightmare. In addition, I really wanted to make something to wear but when it became apparent that I was getting more and more stressed out with every new commitment, and me going "no! I have to make my outfit!" it started to seem ridiculous that I was turning my wedding into my worst fears. So armed with my bf who gives a good honest opinion, and Kate who conveniently is a stylist, we hit the shops and I somehow got convinced to buy two dresses. The necessary rationale being that most women spend more than what I did on one dress that they'll never wear again (thanks Kate!)
So here is the short list of outfits:
Marni top (worn backwards) with furry skirt I knitted. At first I had this outfit all worked out but then the skirt was pretty unflattering and I just missed out on buying an antique glass necklace that would have been perfect with it, so I changed track (I'm putting it mildly. I should say I had hysterics and abandoned the outfit).
Attempt 2. Trying out the top with another skirt idea. I had this beautiful fabric from work but it had been folded and I couldn't get the creases out. I had an idea to knit a sheer piece of fabric and lay it over the top, but I got bored and haven't finished it.
Some accessories. I don't know how, but I managed to convince the bf that I would look bride-y enough if I wore flat lace ups with lacey, sparkley stockings (I think he was temporarily dazzled by the stockings)
An Easton Pearson dress bought at an EP sale for an unbelievable price (the sale is still on for any Melbournites. It's right near Gorman in Prahran). Shown with Marni belt.

And the final decision. This Isabel Marant dress. I'm not showing the whole thing yet. See, now I'm turning into a prima donna.