December 16, 2010

crystal gazing

i bought some crystals. i'm not really sure why - maybe i just need some extra little help to get me over the line. this year has been rewarding but tough and i'm looking forward to having a little rest before plunging into 2011.

thank you to everyone who has commented or emailed about my garments. i've been wanting to make them for the longest time but didn't feel like i was ready until now. i had that classic case of being crippled by my own expectations of perfection. but i bit the bullet and now that i've made some headway (and had some tantrums) i can see that the only way to go forward is to go through.

my posting will be patchy over the next few weeks. i'm putting the finishing touches on a few biggish orders, helping my friends out at their shop and then heading overseas for a few days to spend some time with my grandmothers.

stay posted...