May 10, 2011

seven things didn't know about me.
danica at the very beautiful blog oh, hello there tagged me to answer this a little while ago - thanks danica.


1. good food is very important to me. i was brought to tears once in a restaurant because my dish was so bad. 
2. i met my oldest friend when she was four and i was five.  we made a pact when we were little that we would never get married. i was the witness at her wedding in new york last year.
3. i've been married for two years and been with my partner for almost 15. this always confuses people because we both look younger than we are. 
4. people ask me regularly if i am japanese. for the record, no, i am not.
5. being a true virgo, one of my favourite therapeutic past times is tidying my closet and refolding my clothes.
6. i didn't eat meat for 10 years. i broke when my florentine born friend made a baked dish of italian sausage wrapped in chicken breast wrapped in prosciutto.
7. i didn't really enjoy my 20s. 30s seems to be turning out much better.

speaking of mellowing out in old age here are two new songs i've been enjoying

and i tag mani, kristina and nicole.