January 17, 2012

shop open

first of all, thank you so much for your emails and comments regarding the post below. it really is amazing to have such kind words coming from all over the world. we are trying to get back to normal life now after the turbulence of last week and are just very grateful for the time we spent with my grandmother and our dear friend roslyn.

onto brighter topics,  i have re-opened my shop. i was going to wait until i had some new things to show but i've been getting some requests for designs from last year so i've decided to list them (plus a few favourites) for a short time. these pieces will all be made to order and may take two to three weeks. i apologise that it's a bit of a wait but i'm juggling a few different things and also nutting out how to manage my workload as last year it started to have effects on my health and well being.

below are some lookbook images that i don't think i've shown before, created by the wonderful more & co of course. it was very hard to choose which ones i loved the most.