January 08, 2012

a very happy 2012

hello, it's been awhile! here are a few snaps from my recent trip to singapore. these images sum up many of my visits there, however, this trip was a little different as we spent a lot of time at the hospital with my grandmother who is not so well. it was a little bit stressful, but we were very grateful to have this time to spend with her.

in the week we have been back at home i've been trying to look after myself. i was mentally and physically burnt out so have been taking lots of bike rides, dips in the sea, having friends over for lunch and dinner, visiting my favourite op-shops, re-potting plants and spending time away from the computer. i've also been thinking about my work (probably a little too much) and where i want to take it this year. i have a desire to grow and expand my label but i also want to make each step a conscious one that will interest and nourish me. i haven't figured out exactly what primoeza will look like this year, but i feel like it will be a good one.

wishing a very happy 2012 to you all.

in the apartment

terminal 3

chicken rice fix

one of many taxi rides

no slacking around here

haji lane

pedicure - a singapore only treat.