January 18, 2009

Five dollar trousers

Yes, I've been tempted by the slouchy pants that have been around for a while now but I can't bring myself to spend lots of money on things that I know there's a good chance that I'll cringe at just a bit down the track, and plus the ones I've seen in the shops are made from jersey, and I'm not really a jersey kind of person. So I got myself down to the oppe shoppe to find some oversized men's trousers. I wanted to find some that were made of really nice fabric as these big trousers are a dime a dozen. So in the sea of poly cotton I found two pairs, both 100% summer weight wool.

It was simple job to take the waist in. I just took apart the middle back seam and sewed a new line about 5cm in.

How they turned out:

And also, inspired by this image, I made the second pair with elastic inserted in the hem so I can wear them high or low and they balloon out:

(image via wikstenmade)