There is that very wise and famous saying that states that accessories can make or break an outfit. I was very naive standing in the shop with my dress on saying "I'll just put on black stockings and shoes on and I'll be good to go!". And while it would have been nice to get new everything, the very unfortunate fact is that I have spent all the available money and so the twelve headed monster has been raiding my closet to put the finishing touches on my outfit for the BD. So after many more costume changes I've settled on the following.
Vintage faux fur jacket (found at the op shop but vintage sounds much more hygienic), two antique jade necklaces one from each grandmother to be worn as bracelets, vintage clutch (also from an op shop), Marni accessory to be worn as headband, angel sparkle tights (the words on the packet, not mine)

Marostica customised heels (you couldn't poke a stick at all the different ribbons I've had in these)
And the rings! They arrived early. I wasn't going to look at mine until it was put on my finger, but with a week to go, I thought "I'd better just make sure it's ok" and I've been checking it fits at every opportunity (that's not bad luck is it?).
As fate would have it, on my way home I also found some beautiful 1940s jewelry pieces here. Not sure if I should even think about it...