July 21, 2010

and later...

so after a hellish start to the day where i not only dealt with the previous post but also tripped over the rayman's work computer sending it flying onto the floor and creating an interesting, yet woefully unhelpful fractal image on the screen, i received this is in the post which brightened up my day.

monmarte won my giveaway, and in return, she sent me this wonderful package. i don't think i've ever given a gift to be given a thank you gift in return. thank you renee! here are some images to share:

also included, one of renee's works. 
thanks again renee :)

and, on another bright note, my old friend from rmit has started a blog. her work was always so technical and labour intensive, yet somehow beautifully simple. her blog is a lovely space already. please check it out.

image via shipbuilding