July 21, 2010

a strange resemblance

edit: the person i questioned contacted me immediately after i informed her of this post. she was extremely and sincerely apologetic and claimed that she had not seen my work before. i have deleted the link to her as she has offered to remove her post.

in my post i intended to expose but not accuse as you can never know where people get their ideas from; it could be from the heights of the collective consciousness to the practicality of buying a sample and then ripping it off.

it is not my intention to trample over anyone else that has coincidentally similar work or ideas to mine (for the record, all one needs to do is keep a detailed record of one's process of how the work came to be and that would be used to argue your case) however, as a young designer with limited means, i just have to use the tools (in this case the internet) that are available to me to protect my work.

anyway, enough of all this horribleness. i'm going to get on with my day.

this morning some friends alerted me to a blog showing a tutorial of how to make a scarf that bears a striking resemblance to the PRIMOEZA ruffle scarf II. as i can't use any of their photos without permission, the link is here:

so, i have no idea of course of this person's resources, process or inspiration, but please note that it is almost identical in look and construction to the PRIMOEZA scarf as shown below. the main difference that i can tell is that the other scarf is hand knitted.

see the archive of ruffle scarf II posts here. 

and this was my post on the construction of the first ruffle scarf sample back in february 2009:

i have no evidence of the other work being a copy, however, when another article bears such striking similarity to one of my (earlier) works as is the case now, or in the future, naturally i will be documenting it on this blog.

thank you a and k for spotting this for me.