April 15, 2011

things other people do

i give the things i make plenty of air time here but this post is totally devoted to other people's creativity. i'm lucky to be friends (and have a partner) who do creative things and this inspires me enormously. last night we went to my friend daniela's first solo exhibition opening at the guildford lane gallery. daniela is a very old and dear friend (who you might recognise from here) and the rayman's band played. i didn't take a lot of pictures but here a couple shots from the night. daniela's work is really wonderful and the exhibition runs until 8th may if you are in the area.

 (looks like something interesting being demonstrated here!)

second, olga's new book! this is going to be a beautiful publication. i know an enormous amount of work has gone into making it materialize and i'm extremely happy to be a part of it. you can pre-order a copy here.

and last but not at all least, a lovely gift from my friend wendy who owns portobello lane, the best shop on chapel street. this sweet charm necklace is from wendy's own jewelry line and she knows how to pick the perfect card. thanks wendy!

happy friday!